
Facebook Check In…The Proof That It Works…

Here is an example of Facebook Checkin working for a Mexican Restaurant in the USA.

Posting is completed every day, including humour and engagement posts, which draw the customers into conversation, including likes, comments and shares.

Posts also include promotions and food posts. The Poster engages in conversation with the customers building up a rapport.
The program includes getting customers to like their page.

A part of the program is the monthly contests. Check out the one for December at December 5th, the post under Margarita Thursday. (Azteca “Checkin & Win!” Monthly Contest.) The post underneath that gives details of the November winner.

The basis of the program is that when people “Check In” on Facebook, they receive a discount. When they “Check In”, all their friends see the entry and start liking, commenting and sharing. Each customer has a minimum of 200 friends on Facebook, some much higher. So the potential for gathering a lot of customers is great.

Click On The Image Below To See Facebook Check In…In Action

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